PN10-16        DN40—DN600


Design  TS EN 1171
End Connection FLANGED TS EN 1092-2 / ISO 7005-2
Face to Face   TS EN 558  Seri 14 / DIN 3202 F4
Test TS EN 12266-1
Marking TS EN 19


•    FAF6000 PN10/16 Resilient Seated Gate Valve is operating by the EPDM covered iron wedge moving perpendicular to the flow axis through a worm machined stem multi turned
•    %100 tight sealing is achieved through EPDM covered wedge fully contacting the fusion bonded epoxy coated flow surface
•    In each time the valve is opened, the flow on the line cleans the sealing surface, prevents from dirt and deposits
•    With its short installation length(DIN 3202 F4), doesnot occupy a big place
•    It has ductile iron body and stainless steel stem
•    Inner and outer surfaces are coated with minimum 250 microns fusion bonded epoxy
•    Suitable to install actuator and gearbox
•    Suitable to use with ground and underground applications.  Can be operated with extension spindle
•    Very low head loss rating. Can be operated with lower torque ratings, no maintenance needed


  • Hot Water, Cold Water, Fluids without acidity or alkalinity properties.


+130 °C